Standard #5 Innovative Applications of Content
The teacher understands how to connect concepts
and use differing perspectives to engage learners
in critical/creative thinking and collaborative
problem solving related to authentic local and
global issues.

Artifact #1

Text Complexity Analysis

Standard 5 (k): Understands the demands of accessing and managing information as well as how to evaluate issues of ethics and quality related to information and its use.

Description: This assignment involved taking a text from our discipline and breaking it down into a text analysis. It assesses the texts difficulty, strategies students would need to use to comprehend it, and what grade levels we would place the text at.


In standard 5 it discusses how teachers should be able to access information and use it to evaluate and create quality instruction. In the text complexity analysis, I learned how to evaluate and analyze information from a text and use that evaluation to form an accurate reading on where I could use the text in whatever content I am covering. This assignment is important to my growth as a teacher because teachers need to be able to evaluate their resources and implement them into quality instruction. Because I now know how to analyze a text resource, I can accurately assign it to my students and recognize the possible skills I may need to teach them in order for them to understand the content I am covering. After completing this assignment, I also have a new tool to differentiate my instruction in the classroom to ensure all of my student are getting a proper understanding of the content.