Standard #11 Technology Standards for Teachers – (NETS-T*): Effective teachers model and apply the National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS-S**) as they design, implement, and assess learning experiences to engage students and improve learning; enrich professional practice; and provide positive models for students, colleagues, and the community. Please see the following ISTE Standards Teachers and ISTE Standards Students pages. *Now known as ISTE Standards Teachers **Now known as ISTE Standards Students

1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity


c. Promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students’ conceptual understanding and thinking, planning and creative processes.
2. Design and Develop Digital Age Learning Experiences and Assessments


d. Provide students with multiple and varied formative and summative assessments aligned with content and technology standards and use resulting data to inform learning and teaching.

Artifact #1

This artifact is the technology mini-lesson we did in groups. We created a small 30 minutes lesson plan using some of the technological resources we have learned about throughout the semester. The lesson plan I helped create was about the water cycle.

The lesson followed some of the core ISTE standards. During the lesson students were tasked to listen and analyze the lyrics to the water cycle song. By watching a video the students were able to think and conceptualize the process of the water cycle and remember the steps through catchy lyrics. Once the students understood the basic process they were tested on their knowledge using a paint app on Ipads. They had to create their own scene and include elements of the water cycle. By using the Ipads the students were actively engaged in what they were learning and had a chance to foster their creative thinking. At the end of the lesson students had to share their cycle diagrams with their classmates. Because they were using Ipads the students were able to share their work with each other easily   and the lesson overall was enhanced. Through my completion of this lesson i followed the core ideas of the ISTE standards and demonstrated them in action.

Artifact #2

This artifact is a book I made using Book Creator. The purpose of this book is to be used along with a classroom lesson. The title of the book is “The little raindrop” and  covers is the water cycle at around a 2nd- 3rd grade level by following Mr. Raindrop through the entire cycle.

I chose to include the book I made because it intertwines with the ISTE standards. The key standard it works with is the facilitating of inspiring student learning and creativity. The creation of a book that is personalized to fit a group of students learning is very unique. By creating this book I have shown my  knowledge on the subject and done it in a creative and interactive way. I have demonstrated digital age learning experiences by doing my project using technology instead of a standard paper format. By adding the interactive videos and sound effect to my book i have increased the engagement and overall enhanced beyond your standard reading of a book.

Technology Mission Statement


I am an education major, Specifically secondary education. My goal is to become a later middle school or early high school biology teacher. I already relay on technology so much in my current life as a college student, so it only makes sense to me that I continue to use technology in cool and exciting ways in my future teaching. From this course I have already started to come up with some ideas about how technology can fit into my future classrooms. My main goal in using technology involves my students needs. I feel that through the use of technology I will be able to help differentiate my instruction and help all of my students understand not only the academic standards I’m teaching them but help them gain technological skills they can apply outside in the real world. There are a few specific concepts I’ve learned about this semester that I want to put into practice in a classroom of my own. To start off I would ideally want to get all of my classes on a learning management system, most likely google classroom or Edmodo. I feel like these platforms would be a great communication tool for my classes. I could post assignments and homework on there for students to do and easily submit. I would also use it as a reminder tool for upcoming assignments and events going on in the classroom. I don’t want my students to feel lost and disorganized in my classroom and I think using a LMS would prevent that and eliminate the stress on not knowing what is do and where to submit assignments. Another big idea I grabbed from this course surrounds testing. Before this class I never really considered technology’s role in something like a summative assessment. From my K-12 experience we of course had projects where we made a simple PowerPoint or a poster, but I had never though of doing things like blogs or website designing as a from of assessment. Because I want to teach Science and have a soft spot for tech I’m definitely going to incorporate technology use in my assessments. I feel like they add a fun element to testing, an area where a lot of kids stress or struggle to handle and gives them a change to showcase their knowledge in a way beyond a traditional pen and paper test. Over all the most important thing I have learned from this course is to be adventurous, Be willing to try out technology in the classroom, explore what works and what doesn’t, but overall any technology I want to use should benefit my classroom not just carelessly added in.