Link to Unit Documents;

The curriculum we created met all of the learning standards for Maine. This curriculum work includes ways to properly organize and adjust lessons based on a learner’s developmental readiness. Developmental readiness is a component standard one. In the curriculum, there are leveled activities that work with challenging the student’s abilities in each lesson plan and flexible grouping models. Standard two addresses connecting past grade-level material to the current grade-level material. In the lesson plans for this curriculum, there is the pacing of material and connections between the past standard the students have addressed in lower grades to the current standards being taught in that lesson. Standard three is concerned with the considerations for students. There are two sections dedicated to technology and classroom management considerations for all of the lesson plans and units. Standard four looks at the progression of a given unit through big concepts. Each unit in our project has been broken down the content into major concepts and achievable I can statements that measure student learning and progress through the unit content. Our unit uses real-world problem solving which is a major element of standard five. Standard six addresses assessments. our unit includes both pre, post, and formative assessments. Standard 7 is also met seeing as each week we planned and broke down our lessons and units into readable and replicable instructions. Standard 8 addresses instructional strategies. In each lesson plan, we have label instructional strategies that would help us teach each week’s content. We worked off the role of a teacher as a facilitator for mathematical discourse. In line with standard nine each week we wrote reflections and were given feedback to apply to our next unit. Standard ten stresses collaboration which we did in our groups the entire time developing this unit. Lastly standard 11 concerns technology considerations which we outlined in each lesson plan and in a specific section for the entire unit.